Good. Now on to pillage your minds. Bruno seems to be on her way to go to Victoria and then on to work for this company which Gina owns. And I have two delimnas.
1. What should the company be? (and why?)
2 Where should the company be?
The "what" is driving me nuts. I want it to be savvy maybe, enough so that a CEO would spend a month at a conference in Canada. I want it to do or create something which gives Bruno some icky feelings, but not so much that she'd feel too immoral to play along. I want it to have a decently sized staff, not like a startup, so maybe 100 people? 200? I have all the ideas of their interactions laid out, just not the setting. Very sad.
The "where", there's three places I've been thinking about. One being Seattle, although it'd mean I'd have to actually visit up there occasionally, plus i could get in some Olympia and Portland (it can't be in Olympia, because that's simply too damn conspicuous since Dije moved there, although, damnit, maybe i should anyhow). The second place is somewhere in New England, so I could have her occasional interaction with the old crowd. The third place would be WA D.C. area, which woud fit her tone and get to bring Jeremy back in the picture (although I have no references, sad). Nevermind, scratch DC for now. Actually, NYC would be fantastic, but I wouldn't feel right writing it without moving there.
Anyhow. If you have any ideas, feel free to cast them at me violently, and I'll plunder what sparks amuse me. :)
Thank you so much!
p.s. - thanks for those of you who pointed out that had expired, it's back up now, although I'm still awaiting ISBN numbers to send the books off to the printer.
Ah well. If they do they do, if they don't they don't.
So, I know I was supposed to do the final touches of Bruno book#9(&3) over the weekend, but since the ISBN numbers didn't come in, I only put in a few hours on it so far (including trying yet again to get my MAC to accept OS 9.1 so that I can access my printer so i can actually print one copy the books (printer requires a hard copy), and I also spent time eyeing the new $500 apple and considering that as a printer-access solution although unrealistic),
Anyhow, all that coupled with me being a bit emotionally swurvy right now due to yadda-yadda this and yadda-yadda that, I speant hours drinking Ginger Ales with the lovely Chea and worked on my graphic novel (not the latter 3).
But yes, so I just finished the rough version of it (my graphic novel). I chopped out major parts of the script which I had written, loved, but found to be unneccesary; and created whole new sections which occurred to me on whim.
It's a bit more fun now, perhaps a bit more sexy too. Both things I am happy about.
So the final first-rough-draft clocked in at 155 pages, though it's bound to be a fair bit longer once I've reworked it a dozen times. Still, for now, this feels like a big accomplishment, especially since I've been puttering at it for about a year and a half.
I'm actually sketching the thing in a 8.5"x5.5" 3-ring binder, which allows me to add, take away, or move around pages at whim. I like that very much, as it is a feature I have very actively used. The sketched pages are mostly just to show what's being said, by who, and to give a general feel of the pacing of the pages. They look something like this:
For those of you who might be amused by this, I still have not sketched out the infamous bar-scene.
Anyhow. That's my mind today. We'll see what i get done Monday, hopefully I'll get done eveything else.
Vince Altmare Nancy J. Baldwin Ronald Baldwin Toby Bartels Jennifer H. I. barts Amy Bennett Dirk T. Bergstrom Max Bernstein M. Bickers Seth L. Blumberg David Botten Elise Bowditch Nicholas Burger Ross Carey Stephen Cass Brooks C. Clark Matthew Cooper Gary Couse Robert Cudinski Gordon Davidescu Simon DeDeo Sam Dodsworth Gwen Eastmond Tarynn Ecton Victor Eijkhout Douglas Faunt Anthony Foiani Sam Gavin Elizabeth Gentry noah gibbs Christie Giles Laurent Giroud David Gluss Phredd Groves Paul Guertin Faith Hamby Lucy Hanouille Dion Harmon Maik Hennebach Jan Hochbruck Michael D. Hofer Kane Imai Timothy O. Jarrett Ada Kerman Carrie Lynn King Sean Kinlin Michael Kitchen Seth LaForge Michael D Landis Sara Landymore Charles Lovett Kevin Lyda Ben Mays Ken McGlothlen R Michael "Auros" Harman Eric Miller Abigail Mink Howell Moffett marc moorcroft David Nerud Sara C. Pickett Stefan Pirkl jeff rattray Simha Ravven Robert Retter Sean K. Reynolds Jennifer Schirmer Paul Selkirk Tristan K. Smith Nicholas Sonneveld Mark Stapleton sarah stewart In memory of Luvvy Moriarty Szedenits
Ruth Temple Kaolin Fire Mark Stokosa Will Strang David Streever Daniel van Reijen Amber Vanderpol Dries Verachtert Tamara Weikel Don Wentworth James Wood
In other news, BIll Mudron seems to be on a regular schedule again for his retelling of the classic Barre's Peter Pan. His site is at, but if you already read the intro, you'll find the new stuff starting here.