Me, I'm just going through one of those moody bits I go through. I re-read the last 8 months of Bruno and tried to figure out what the hell is happening, but at the same time feeling it's been really good lately, and I've actually recieved an abnormally high rate of email confirming that.
I think it's just that my life's been a topography but lately with shifting tectonic plates and earthquakes, and a large mining company hard at work. Lots to write about, and with a loose grip (on the reins, on sanity, on stability).
Sunday, June 6th, at 1:00, $5.00 admission. Be there. All of you. I will be speaking and answering questions. I've been a bit emotionally unstable. I may rave. Little is more fun than some cartoonist babbling about a project he's been doing for ten years and doesn't understand. (my strength, my weakness, my curse).
The rest of the time I'll have a table and will sign books, sell books, and babble personally to every person who so desires such attention.
And it's just a walk from the Broadway Theater, so on your way to the fest, buy an evening ticket to Harry Potter, and then go to the fest, and afterwards, you are so all set!
Oh, and on other notes, I received lots of kind email today about the current storyline. I have more to say on that, but don't wnat to drown the strip totally to the bottom of the page, so for now I'll say "thank you, and leave it with promising you more next week (oh, and Monday, btw, is not only the release of Little Dee, but it's also Bruno's birthday. Get outta' town.).
6/7/2004 - Little Dee at begins today (coincidentally Bruno's birthday, honest, it actually was coincidence). It is releasing with being in no newspapers, but I remain undaunted. I think the mailing will still help get it in papers, it is just a slow process. So for now, enjoy the web exclusivitiy. :)
The Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend was fun. I was really impressed with the job Indigo Kelleigh did puting it together (many helped, but he held it together).
And we got back to Olympia very late, and I'm incoherently tired. G'night.
So this is the final installment of my fill in of Dicebox. The comic really amazes me and so it was great to be able to express it this way, plus play with her characters. But almost more exciting is that starting next week, she's back. I've missed my Dicebox weekly fill.
6/28/2004 - I managed to see Farenheit 9/11 this weekend. There wasn't much I haven't already read here or there, but it did a decent job of compiling it all into a compelling case. For mose liberals, this movie will likley be just preaching to the converted, and I am certainly not without quibbles of Michael Moore's style and product, but I think it's a worthwhile see. And I also think it's also a worthwhile see for conservatives. If you're conservative and wonder what liberals are thinking, why they are questioning things as strongly as they are, this movie can give you a fair glimpse. Even if you disagree and think that Moore is lying, this might aid you in understanding, this movie is what the majority of liberals believe (give or take) is happening and to be true.