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She will be wondering if she was too late, or if by killing the yontengu, she caused a surge that destroyed the city and people.
That’s a lot of water – I wonder where it all came from. And where it’s all going to end up.
Is this taking place in a huge valley, so that it can contain a mountain (ok, let’s assume large hill) than can be submerged?
Or is this all to make us feel less bad for Julie killing an innocent-but-not-innocent creature?
The chapter is called Desert Basin. Think the Aral Sea, there used to be a large inland lake or sea here, it dried up a long time ago, and now it’s been refilled. At times in Earth’s past the Mediterranean has dried up, only to be refilled when the straits of Gibraltar re-opened again.
The “mountain” is shown in the first panel of Desert Basin 19:
Yeah, it was really more like a medium-sized hill…
Poor Julie! And I guess poor innocent drowned city population but they were probably all dicks anyway, let’s be honest.
COYOTE: She was too late either way. If it was a surge they were going to die soon if she let it live and produce water that quickly anyway. So I don’t think that is what she is wondering. What I think she is wondering is if taking the time to save the girl is what cost everyone their lives.
So does nobody know how to swim in the future?
Oh no! The city! I feel sad about it…
But in other topic, if I were Julie, I wouldn’t throw away Teddy, I would keep it as a motivator, as a reminder…
The last panel reminds me of the scene in “Mulan”, where the reinforcements arrive too late to save the army and the village, and Mulan lays the little girl’s doll in front of a destroyed structure, symbolizing that she is no longer a little girl herself.
@GNARLYDOUG: His NAME is Coyoty, with a Y.. take care with people’s names here, they seem to be extremely sensitive with them.
Also, try not to say anything that others don’t agree with. This isn’t a discussion board, for socializing with people….
@0z79, what? Did I miss something? What raised the hackles?
@0z79, I disagree with that. People misspelling my name doesn’t bother me, and if people avoid disagreeing, how can we learn new things to challenge our preconceptions?
Come on now, Chris himself has called me “Herander” on multiple occasions, and I’ve not freaked out.
Gotta run a diagnostic on the sarcasm detector as it doesn’t seem to be returning any results.
And back on topic. According to the strip I mentioned above, the city of Aditline was perched on the edge of (outside of, in other words) the desert basin. The basin was already full of water when Julie arrived. The amount of water needed to submerge the mountain and the surrounding area is mind-bogglingly massive.
@Chris: Umm.. so this is the new drunk dialing! Whoops..
@Herandar: I’d been thinking that as well, and have been going back over this last chapter to try to track just how fast the water was rising.. she had just enough time to dive under, plant the 5-second bomb and fly back.. so maybe 15-20 seconds grand total, possibly 30 at the most..
I’m not great with math (dyscalculia), so I can’t crunch the numbers, but.. yeah. Lots and lots and LOTS of water. Hundreds of thousands of gallons per head at LEAST.
The water wouldn’t necessarily have had to have risen to the height of the hill. If this hill was made of packed, loose earth, it might have quite quickly subsided like a sandcastle once it became even slightly submerged. Burying the people on top in a mudslide.
0Z79: Thanks for noting my incorrect spelling, I’ll make sure I get COYOTY’s name spelled correctly next time.
I believe this board exists for us to share and exchange honest (in a polite and respectful manner) thoughts and opinions on the art, story, and characters of Yontengu. For that reason I disagree that it is not a form of socializing, and I must refuse your request that I censor myself in an attempt to avoid any disagreement. Doing so would undermine the very purpose in my opinion of this board and any reason for posting in it.
@Gnarlydoug: I was being fairly sarcastic at the time and really wasn’t thinking about what I typed.. apologies.
Eh, no worries then 0Z79. Thanks for the apology.
I guess Teddy was right, not to be enthusiastic about all this….