066 master grey

I hiked the Bunny Flats trail on Mt Shasta Monday. So beautiful, and loved the fresh air. A lovely contemplative way to spend Memorial Day.


05/26/15 Desert Basin 18

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  1. But it may end that way. And if it does, the people you told yourself you were saving will fear you and want protection from you, and may turn to another savior to defeat you. You become the next yontengu.

    Why are you taking the word of an alien stranger who died taking the law into his own hands without thought to the consequences, which were HIS causing the destruction of the world? And he’s asking you to continue his work. The air yontengu was able to reverse the poisoning but was destroyed. I don’t think it would be a good idea to just go off and destroy the others without finding out if they can reverse their effects, or looking into alternative solutions than destruction.

    The threats are due just as much to the hubris of the “heroes” as of the “villains”.

  2. Koen is becoming a whole guru…

  3. Sure it does, Koen. In fact, melting your enemies is one of the shortest roads to peace! 😉

  4. Yeah, but you gotta melt _all_ of them…

  5. Well, of course it doesn’t start with melting your enemies: there are several necessary steps preliminary to melting your enemies, such as obtaining means to melt your enemies.

  6. Indiana Jones used the Ark of the Covenant to melt his enemies…

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