061 master grey

05/07/15 Desert Basin 13

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  1. That… is NOT something you tell Julie, especially not now that she has a pair of acid-gloves and a flight suit!

  2. If we quit, we look weak. If we look weak, they’ll think we’re weak and try to finish us off. But our protection is irrelevant because we’re killing our own people. It’s better for us to finish them off because of course we’re stronger and we can.

  3. Again, stupid editor. Enter’s not supposed to post. Anyway, “we” can be assumed to be either side or both.

  4. Half the world’s population using half the world’s resources? Terrible, what dreadful things will the enemy do next?

  5. Sometimes you have to smash a lot of expensive china porcellain in order to demonstrate your point.

  6. “I’m glad you agree! I will be destroying your Yontengu now!”

  7. Yeah, when you come to think about it, war causes are so lame most of the times…

  8. Ah, the tragedy of forgetting history’s lessons… the danger of growing childlike and foolish. Perspective is lost, humility gives way to simplistic methods of justification. And they talk about “heritage!” If they only knew…

  9. Julie will agree with and act on the statement that sometimes you have to destroy in order to build. Things are about to get nasty. Congratulations idiots, you get whatever happens to you now.

    One test for a valid morality is how universal it is. If you apply the statement to everyone what are the implications? In this case, saying every single human being should destroy anyone who resist ‘their’ desired future is insane. A society where everyone woke up and decided to follow that credo would literally implode with a nearly perfect or perfect self genocide.

    Applied to the noble, it means he is stating that by his morality it is OK to murder him and is family because they stand in the way of the future Julie wants. The noble does not understand this of course because he isn’t thinking through the ramifications of his own beliefs once they are embraced by others.

  10. @ GNARLYDOUG: I find it interesting that you’re using the word “noble” to refer to someone who is saying things that are absolutely antithetical to the meaning of the word.

    “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” – Inigo Montoya ( The Princess Bride, 1987)

  11. Looks like Julie is about to grab her by the neck.

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