038 master grey

I’ve been meaning to do some shout-outs.

First off to Gary Tyrell who wrote up a nice plug for my travels and fundraising on Fleen. I’ve met Gary several times, and have been following his blog for years. He’s a gone one for keeping up on webcomics and I highly recommend his blog.

And also, a on Goodreads, a BUNCH of reviews (26) have been written for quite a few of my books. Read some, leave some, just saying: there it is.

02/12/15 Artifacts 22

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  1. Arm… Arm… What did I do with that arm… I had it last night…

  2. Panel 4: “Adivise” should be “advise”.

    Also, how is letting the wiser one stay at home and be a hologram a smart policy? Oh, right, he’s bullsh!++ing the kid.

  3. mmm I’m still thinking they should tell someone in the town, because, how Gorro knows they’re the right ones for the task?

  4. Ouch, Gorro. Way to be a dickbag.

  5. Alright, so I bought the little Dee anthologies to keep you going for a few miles more. All the best to you on your travels. As, to quote Ursula LeGuin, “True journey is return”, I hope you have/will find a right place to return to…

    Meanwhile the mystical grandfather wisely decides to hand the keys to the nuclear bomb over to the kids as the adults are behaving irrationally. What could possibly go wrong?

  6. Andreas, hahaha! Indeed. 🙂 (and thank you)

  7. Yeah, don’t talk about the arm that was there. Concentrate on how he does with the other!

  8. I hope they get to tell their parents what they’re off to do, or at least that they’ll be away for a while…

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