Coincidentally, I just read a Superman/Shazam story where Superman chews out the wizard who gave Billy Batson powers for putting such a great responsibility and burden on just a kid.
You know, one thing that occurs to me is that if Julie and Koen do end up with Gorro’s old gear, they might have to divide the pieces up a bit. Anaardens have the wrong kind of arms for those gauntlets (okay, so do humans, what with the four fingers, three claws setup, but it’d be easier to adapt than Anaarden “paws”), but humans have the wrong kind of head for that helmet. No clue who’d get the tunic :P.
Coincidentally, I just read a Superman/Shazam story where Superman chews out the wizard who gave Billy Batson powers for putting such a great responsibility and burden on just a kid.
I’m still trying to understand how Gorro’s race (was it named yet?) can stand upright like that.
You know, one thing that occurs to me is that if Julie and Koen do end up with Gorro’s old gear, they might have to divide the pieces up a bit. Anaardens have the wrong kind of arms for those gauntlets (okay, so do humans, what with the four fingers, three claws setup, but it’d be easier to adapt than Anaarden “paws”), but humans have the wrong kind of head for that helmet. No clue who’d get the tunic :P.
mmm I’m noticing Julie likes to fight, it doesn’t matter if it’s human, anaarden or hologram… =P
Julie is the more aggressive one, but I notice that Koen is throwing his arm up to protect her. 🙂
Also, how is the holographic recording interactive?
Presumably it’s not a recording but some kind of AI.
@Nathanyel: Crunches. Lots of crunches to build up the core muscles.
Or maybe an exo-skeleton. They look segmented.
@Sean K.
It’s powered by handwavium.
A unknown thousands of years old hologram system with a universal translator?