
Continuing to tell his story to Audri and Val, Gerek said, "we bollycks gathered our remaining survivors together, and figured out how to propagate the race healthily with the numbers we had left. We decided to become nomadic and to survive through pirating -- killing and plundering. The pain of the betrayal still burns in the bollyck heart, even more-so since the rest of the galaxy didn't seem to care. And so we never found healing or forgiveness, and eventually our pirating become our culture. Throughout the universe, it's now rare to find someone who doesn't know at least one person who was killed by a Bollyck. Not surprising, everyone has come to hate us and value us less than even non-sapient beings. But this has only made it emotionally easier for us to engage with them without mercy." Audri said, "it's like humans and telemarketers. I'm not sure there's any resolution to that kind of rift." Val said, "I know! right?!"


Some rifts were meant to not be mended. I’m talking about telemarketers. Maybe there’s a chance with the Bollycks.

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Continuing to tell his story to Audri and Val, Gerek said, “we bollycks gathered our remaining survivors together, and figured out how to propagate the race healthily with the numbers we had left. We decided to become nomadic and to survive through pirating — killing and plundering. The pain of the betrayal still burns in the bollyck heart, even more-so since the rest of the galaxy didn’t seem to care. And so we never found healing or forgiveness, and eventually our pirating become our culture. Throughout the universe, it’s now rare to find someone who doesn’t know at least one person who was killed by a Bollyck. Not surprising, everyone has come to hate us and value us less than even non-sapient beings. But this has only made it emotionally easier for us to engage with them without mercy.” Audri said, “it’s like humans and telemarketers. I’m not sure there’s any resolution to that kind of rift.” Val said, “I know! right?!”
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