Well, I can’t say Kniff doesn’t have a point.
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Lasper looked down and Audri and Val and asked, “And you two are?” Audri said, “Audri.” Val said, “Val.” Lasper said, “Well, let us three adjourn to the lounge so as to not upset Kniff and Yakky. Gerek, please understand that Yakky’s brother was killed by a Bollyck. So she has reason to hate you.” Gerek said to Yakky, “My condolences for your loss.” Val said to Yakky, “He’s different. Truly. He’s a kind Bollyck.” Yakky said, “Snort! No such thing.” Gerek said to Yakky, “Well, I apologize, Yakky. I agreed to take them before I realized he was a Bollyck, and knowing your history I never would have. No offense, Gerek.” Gerek replied, “On the contrary it makes me admire you for taking care of those you care about.” As Lasper, Audri, Val, and Gerek left the room, Yakky said, “Okay. I won’t stab him. But I’m not okay with this, and I hope he falls out an airlock.” Kniff said, “I’m okay with him as long as he pays before falling out an airlock.”
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Obviously she has a point! It’s on a stick!
That’s the joke.
No, Yakky’s got the point on a stick, Kniff’s sitting at the controls, and the ship doesn’t look very pointy.
This looks like the start of a beautiful friendship.
“So, how did you two meet?”
“It was funny, really. She tried to kill me…”
“And he didn’t try to kill me.”
“It was hate at first sight.”
“Love and hate are horns on the same goat.”
Ah. yes. Priorities. Pay first. Fall out airlock later.
Keeps the wallet full.
A modus bellica is better than a knife in the belly, I guess. The mood passes from lethal to something more like wary, however heavy. Let’s see what it takes to replace it — or, perhaps, just deform it.
Kniff is wise. Listen to Kniff.
Yakky kinda reminds me of the sweater symbiont.
Damn, and I thought I was over that.