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So, the bridge is done, but there still needs to be some cleaning up in the model, but I’ll do that as needed. The next room they go into is the “lounge” so I’ll fiddle with that next. But I thought you might be curious what the 3D models look like. And I DEFINITELY think in terms of stage/set building for hopefully best presentation of characters and action. We’ll see if this one is successful! (And as you can tell, I’m a big fan of runner carpets in spaceships. It helps define the space I guess.)
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The next scene opened with Lasper running onto the bridge of his ship, followed by Gerek, Val, and Audri. Lasper said to his pilot, Kniff, “Why haven’t we taken off yet?!” Kniff replied calmly, “It takes a minute to warm up, Lasper. Because a certain captain refuses to buy us a burst actuator.” Then they manage to lift off and Kniff continued, “There we go. Up and in the sky. So, who are our guests?” Kniff looked around and saw that Lasper had brought a Bollyck on board and said, “Ah. Yakky is going to be pissed.” Hands on his hips, Lasper said, “Yakky is always pissed about something.” Yakky, who has quietly come up behind him said, “Excuse me, I’m what?”
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Neat ship, Christopher!
By the way, does Yakky play the saxaphone?
Well done, indeed. I’ve never got anything passed “there are spaces” and never worried about how they interacted from one sequence to the next.
Oh, and the sax song is Yakkity.
Does Yakky ever watch Benny Hill?
It’s the 3D model of a major modern transportive.
It transports vegetable, animal, and occasional fugitive.
They know O’Kingly o’ Ireland, who can quote the fights hysterical,
From Mihrrgoots to the GOB, in order clerical…
Gilbert O’Sullivan is rolling in his bed.
It’s funny, but Yakky kooks nothing like Krep. Brothers from a different crab.
There seems to be a lot of living space, but what does this ship carry? Where is the cargo space?
You’re looking at the cargo. Fugitives. Mihrgoot gold.
I enjoy your commitment to mid-70s spoilers on your spacecraft, though the interior appears to be something of an accessibility nightmare.
Wow. That 3D model must have taken a lot more time than the comic!
What software are you using?
Thanks, I too was wondering what software Christopher was using as well. If he can export the 3D files as STL, this ship and others might be able to be 3D printed as well, not that I expect him to, but I think that table top gamers might be interested in the ships as terrain, if they could be split up in parts to game the various levels of the ship for various adventures. Thanks Chris, this comic is brilliant as always!