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Ah, yes. I remember my 20s. 😉
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Looking out the window at the darkening sky, Thoos said, “I can’t believe this! My parents are ignoring my warnings of the threat to their lives. Gah! Maybe they deserve what they get.” Picknar said, “Oh, you don’t really wish that, do you?” Thoos began yelling again, “I totally do! I mean, it’s all because I was forced to become part of a scientific experiment! Which was all because of them! Don’t they remember that they limited the loud parties i threw every night?! And that they made me do school rather than go to clubs and gamble?!” Knox said, very seriously, “Gambling addiction is real you know.” Thoos said to him, “I was only seven! Nobody gets addicted to things at seven! Plus, they wanted me to take over the company! Can you imagine me?! Working?!” Rodrigo quipped, “Amazingly, no.” Thoos said, “My childhood was filled with abuses like that. Don’t they realized that it forced me to leave?” Thoos clenched their fist and continued, “But i’ll show them. Once I get back in my body, I’ll return home like the prodigal child and if they’re still alive, demand the love they owe me.” Picknar said, “maybe you should just try to love them and hope it might be returned?” Annoyed, Thoos replied, “You do understand who the wronged party is here, right?”
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I have very vague memories of my late teens and early twenties. ‘Hic’ I don’t know why. 🙂
I suspect that she has her priorities screwed on backwards. Or is it just wealthy privilege?
Once they get Thoos’ body back, the parents will be so happy. When Thoos and Audri say they both want to switch Thoos back as soon as they can, the parents will say, “Shh! Don’t ruin this for us!”
I’m really wanting to like this as I’ve loved all other Spacetrawler stories, but I’m just finding it so hard with how unlikable the cast is here. I’m aware that’s by design for comedic effect, but…I just don’t like them. The humans or the aliens whose name I went back through the archives to find and failed.
The only one tolerable is Knox, because he’s realistic with being fed up with all their shit as I feel. :/
I’m sorry Chris, I’m really trying to like it, I swear :c