03/10/25 – The Plan Maker


Still in the sandwich cell, Picknar said to Rodrigo, "Instead of harassing Thoos, why don't you help us come up with a way to literally save our skins?" Rodrigo shrugged and disinterestedly said, "mm," and then asked, "Is there at least some crackers and cheese to go with the jam?" Picknar asked, "Do you mean the churned milk forcibly taken from possibly sentient creatures before they're slaughtered?" Rodrigo said, "Yes. That." Then Thoos began yelling, "No! And finding cheese wouldn't be helpful! How can you talk about cheese at a time like this?" Rodrigo said, "Is it ever not a good time to talk about cheese?" Fuming, Thoos said, "Now. Now is not a good time to talk about cheese." Annoyed, Rodrigo started rummaging through his bag for a book and said, "Fine! I can take a hint! I'll just read and keep out of the way. I wouldn't want to prevent you from 'figuring out an escape plan.'" Picknar said, "You know, Knox, your boyfriend is utterly unhelpful in matters of life or death." Knox said, "You think this is bad? You should see him when it's his turn to take out the trash."


When there’s an option of reading and cheese, why would one do anything else?

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Still in the sandwich cell, Picknar said to Rodrigo, “Instead of harassing Thoos, why don’t you help us come up with a way to literally save our skins?” Rodrigo shrugged and disinterestedly said, “mm,” and then asked, “Is there at least some crackers and cheese to go with the jam?” Picknar asked, “Do you mean the churned milk forcibly taken from possibly sentient creatures before they’re slaughtered?” Rodrigo said, “Yes. That.” Then Thoos began yelling, “No! And finding cheese wouldn’t be helpful! How can you talk about cheese at a time like this?” Rodrigo said, “Is it ever not a good time to talk about cheese?” Fuming, Thoos said, “Now. Now is not a good time to talk about cheese.” Annoyed, Rodrigo started rummaging through his bag for a book and said, “Fine! I can take a hint! I’ll just read and keep out of the way. I wouldn’t want to prevent you from ‘figuring out an escape plan.'” Picknar said, “You know, Knox, your boyfriend is utterly unhelpful in matters of life or death.” Knox said, “You think this is bad? You should see him when it’s his turn to take out the trash.”

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    1. Andreas

      In my headcanon, Rigo has come up with and rejected five plans already, because they were boring, gauche or didn’t go with the rug.

      That, and he has the keys to the cuffs and the security system somewhere on his person.

      (To his credit, he might not really know that, considering it will just look like any other high-tech doodad to him)


      The window isn’t an option, way to narrow for any Tith-bodied person to even consider squeezing through.

      Why, that almost like considering that vent in the wall, no Tith-sized creature could fit in it, why even consider that your apparently non-sentient companion might use it?

  1. Pete Rogan

    Thoos and Rodrigo: Contrasts in uselessness. Not that it seems to matter.

    In the meantime, we have two panels showing Purrloin in close proximity to what appears to be an air vent. More misdirection? Or… Come back Wednesday and find out!

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