02/10/25 – Teenage Romance


Spizz continued to herd Thoos, Picknar, Rodrigo, Knox, and Purrloin around the sprawling mansion. Thoos said, "Spizz, do you remember that time when we were teens, and we sat on that bench over there? Our fur was matted and sweaty from playing sports under the hot suns." Thoos puckered up and leaned down towards Spizz and said, "And as we sat there, you leaned in and laid one right on my lips." Spizz then punched Thoos in the face and said,"There. I did it again." Covering their face with their hands, Thoos said, "I'll admit, it was much nicer with more tongue." Spizz said, "I could pull yours out, then we'd have plenty of tongue, you disgusting imposter." Getting up, with blood streaming from their nose, Thoos said, "Maybe more tongue isn't necessary this time."


Some memories can’t be recreated (understatement).

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Spizz continued to herd Thoos, Picknar, Rodrigo, Knox, and Purrloin around the sprawling mansion. Thoos said, “Spizz, do you remember that time when we were teens, and we sat on that bench over there? Our fur was matted and sweaty from playing sports under the hot suns.” Thoos puckered up and leaned down towards Spizz and said, “And as we sat there, you leaned in and laid one right on my lips.” Spizz then punched Thoos in the face and said,”There. I did it again.” Covering their face with their hands, Thoos said, “I’ll admit, it was much nicer with more tongue.” Spizz said, “I could pull yours out, then we’d have plenty of tongue, you disgusting imposter.” Getting up, with blood streaming from their nose, Thoos said, “Maybe more tongue isn’t necessary this time.”

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  1. Pete Rogan

    Nice depiction of the recoil. Made me realize I didn’t know that Spizz is left-handed.

    Hard work to be infatuated with an old lover when you’re suddenly another species. It’s different when it’s the girl who’s the frog seeking a kiss, isn’t it?

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