01/17/25 – Car Chase


Still driving the hovercar, with a group of seven hovercars chasing them, Val said, "Well, they don't seem to be catching up." Gerek said, "Unless any of those are mods, all hovercars are standardized on Gorend. They're all the same model, programed to go at exactly the same speed." They chase proceeds on through the city, with no one gaining on anybody. Val said, "Well, for a 'car chase,' this is pretty dang boring." Audri said, "Considering how the first part of the chase went, I'm okay with that."


Zoom zoom!

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Still driving the hovercar, with a group of seven hovercars chasing them, Val said, “Well, they don’t seem to be catching up.” Gerek said, “Unless any of those are mods, all hovercars are standardized on Gorend. They’re all the same model, programed to go at exactly the same speed.” They chase proceeds on through the city, with no one gaining on anybody. Val said, “Well, for a ‘car chase,’ this is pretty dang boring.” Audri said, “Considering how the first part of the chase went, I’m okay with that.”

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