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Yes, when hoping for an impassioned welcome, be careful what you wish for.
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In the hover-car, Val began pushing random buttons on the dashboard, saying, “maybe this? Hold on. That thing looks promising. Or there.” Val hit the right button, which knocked Audri off her feet and left Val barely holding on. The engine went “vrooom!” And Val said, “whoop! there we go.” They sped up the hill, laying on the horn, as aliens jumped left and right out of their way. Throwing open the door, Val said, “come on! Get in!” Gerek leapt in, and once in said, “well, planet Gorend gave a bit more of an impassioned welcome than even I expected.” Val yelled, “just a bit!”
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The planet inhabitants lulled Gerek into a false sense of peacefulness with that name … Gore-end. I mean, if you haven’t seen it written down.
Good girls. Saving your friend who saved you!
“No time to explain! Get in!”
With all the fighting we’ve seen in the comic so far, I’m kind of surprised we’re getting an off-screen “tell, don’t show” for this entire encounter with the townsfolk and Gerek.
I think the whole Gorend idea needs some re-thinking. Any chance of getting the escape pod off-planet again to find a better destination?
Being an escape pod, it almost certainly does not have the fuel capacity to lift off again, or at all.
Gerek needs to change out of his pirate clothes and don a disguise. You know, glasses with a big nose and mustache and a cigar for starters.