12/11/24 – Already Did


A little bit later, Nogg, the captain of the ship, round and pink and fish like, entered the bridge. Nogg said, "okay. I'm back from the bathroom. Mr Zorilla's veggie casserole just didn't sit right in my tummy." Krep said, "I don't know why you keep visiting that old geezer. Aside from the fact that you're a masochist." As Krep got down off of the captain's chair, Nogg said, "are we almost there, to pick up those humans who sent the SOS? Krep said, "we already did. We're taking them to one of their homes on Tithoron. Their parents sounded very... enthusiastic about seeing them. And you'll be happy to know, it's a paying gig. And now they're... napping." Nogg looked at him in silence, and then asked, "I don't want to know the details, do I?" Krep said, "not if you like the idea of us getting paid."



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A little bit later, Nogg, the captain of the ship, round and pink and fish like, entered the bridge. Nogg said, “okay. I’m back from the bathroom. Mr Zorilla’s veggie casserole just didn’t sit right in my tummy.” Krep said, “I don’t know why you keep visiting that old geezer. Aside from the fact that you’re a masochist.” As Krep got down off of the captain’s chair, Nogg said, “are we almost there, to pick up those humans who sent the SOS? Krep said, “we already did. We’re taking them to one of their homes on Tithoron. Their parents sounded very… enthusiastic about seeing them. And you’ll be happy to know, it’s a paying gig. And now they’re… napping.” Nogg looked at him in silence, and then asked, “I don’t want to know the details, do I?” Krep said, “not if you like the idea of us getting paid.”
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    1. Efogoto

      It’s a colloquialism done up in English for us by our translator chips that allow us to understand Nogg, no doubt from some Thelbiuuan dialect perhaps used by those who don’t “talk so good”. It’s along the lines of “it ain’t right” or “don’t that beat all”.

  1. Pete Rogan

    Well, it’s plain that with one pull of a trigger, Krep has knocked Knox (sic) from the rankings as Number One Sour-Ass Mofo. But the game’s not over yet; Knox doesn’t yet know about the prohibition of firearms (unless you’re a properly certified command officer of a ship facing a mutiny) and when he wakes up, he’s going to act on his limited knowledge, i.e., that tentacle-faced b*st*rd shot me and there’s going to be hell to pay now. A situation, among many, of which Nogg is completely ignorant. Stay tuned for surprises — known and unknown.

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