09/06/24 – Translator Chips


Still working on the computer, Zack said, "the message is already being transmitted. As for how long until someone calls us depends on-" He was interrupted by Picknar's phone rings. Picknar answers it, and an unintelligible alien voice and language came grunting through. Pickner said into the phone, "hello! My friend and I are Tithorons, and we're trapped in human bodies with no translator chips, so we can't understand you. Could you reply with a grunt for 'no' and a squeal for 'yes'?" There was a long pause, and then the alien said, "squeal." Concerned, Picknar said, "that sounds like a very annoyed squeal squeal." The alien again said, "squeal."


Outer Space things happen fast! Especially when anything slower would slow down the plot. 😉

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Still working on the computer, Zack said, “the message is already being transmitted. As for how long until someone calls us depends on-” He was interrupted by Picknar’s phone rings. Picknar answers it, and an unintelligible alien voice and language came grunting through. Pickner said into the phone, “hello! My friend and I are Tithorons, and we’re trapped in human bodies with no translator chips, so we can’t understand you. Could you reply with a grunt for ‘no’ and a squeal for ‘yes’?” There was a long pause, and then the alien said, “squeal.” Concerned, Picknar said, “that sounds like a very annoyed squeal squeal.” The alien again said, “squeal.”
———————-/Alt Text———————-



    1. Mic

      I imagine considering the Darkunium wealth of Uranus and humanity’s general ability to cause great mischief, I’d be shocked if there weren’t’ GOB ships or observation satellites in the solar system.

  1. Pete Rogan

    And I had so hoped Emily had found them. Or Bikkie, at least. But the odds of that happening, are…. what? Anybody who said ‘astronomical’ has to stay after class and clean the blackboards.

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