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One should always remember sinking.
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Reading the placard for a painting of a couple, Rodrigo said, “these two were madly in love. John O’Conner and Sarah Puttle. But one was in a dirigible crash, and the other was in the house it crashed into. There were no survivors except his pet cockatoo. Star crossed lovers who would certainly give Romeo and Juliet a run for their money.” Picknar asked, “Romeo and who?” Rodrigo said, “never mind. Dead playwright stuff.” Rodrigo then looked at the placard for a painting of a sea captain and read, “apparently, this is captain David Periwinkle, who had the first known shipwreck in New Mexico.” Seeing Rodrigo get thoughtful, Picknar asked, “that looks like it doesn’t sit right with you.” Rodrigo said, “we’re landlocked.” Picknar said, “so?… Oh right, your ships only move in two dimensions.” Rodrigo added, “not counting sinking.”
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He was framed.
I have questions. Maybe in a pond? Or a kiddy pool.
The Elephant Butt Reservoir was only filled in 1916, so maybe that’s where he wrecked his ship?
(Yes, I know it’s actually Butte, not Butt. Shut up.)
He could have misjudged the rapids on the Pecos.
No large ships, but enough rivers and lakes for some boats. Though Periwinkle is dressed fancy enough perhaps he though he deserved a liner of some sort :}