07/31/24 – Safety Last


Finishing the day's shift, Val put her brush in the brush closet. Walking back to the sleeping quarters, she put her palms in the small of her back to give it a good crick. In the sleeping quarters, Val found Audri, bells off and cast on the floor, crying. Val said, "Im here, Audri. Are you okay? I promise we'll stick together. Through everything. You're not alone." Eyes still tight, Audri said, I didn't know anything could be that painful." And then Audri said in alarm, "I mean, I've experimented some with BDSM, but they never hit that hard, and plus I always had a safeword. Runk didn't even ask if I had a safeword." Audri then said in an aside to Val, "my safeword is 'mayonnaise' by the way." Val, thinking about this, said, "you know, it may have been worth trying that even though he didn't ask. That word kinda takes the spirit out of everything."


I actually quite like mayonnaise, but I’ll admit it doesn’t put me I a romantic mood.

———————-Alt Text———————-
Finishing the day’s shift, Val put her brush in the brush closet. Walking back to the sleeping quarters, she put her palms in the small of her back to give it a good crick. In the sleeping quarters, Val found Audri, bells off and cast on the floor, crying. Val said, “Im here, Audri. Are you okay? I promise we’ll stick together. Through everything. You’re not alone.” Eyes still tight, Audri said, I didn’t know anything could be that painful.” And then Audri said in alarm, “I mean, I’ve experimented some with BDSM, but they never hit that hard, and plus I always had a safeword. Runk didn’t even ask if I had a safeword.” Audri then said in an aside to Val, “my safeword is ‘mayonnaise’ by the way.” Val, thinking about this, said, “you know, it may have been worth trying that even though he didn’t ask. That word kinda takes the spirit out of everything.”
———————-/Alt Text———————-



    1. Meran

      I’m a Miracle Whip girl. HATE mayonnaise. Not sure why ppl think it’s the same just cuz it’s the same color.

      Also soft bdsm is nothing compared to being tied up into pretzels with rope for hours. And then flogged? And how would that even work with the tithoreons’ body structure? (That’s a very hard to remember being name!)

      “It’s complicated.”

    1. Fnordius

      I’d say people who have been body-swapped with aliens and beaten so harshly that you can see the wounds through the fur are allowed to deviate from the norm.

      Of course, we could get all philosophical about souls and such, if they really body swapped or if they only think they are humans, and the natural neural network is beginning to reassert itself, but then we are getting into “Did Thoos switch bodies with Audrey, or does Thoos only think they are Audrey (and vice versa)?” Which is irrelevant, then for all intents and purposes it’s Audrey in Thoos’ body.

      Urk. I think I need more coffee.

    2. Meran

      For some, it’s a badge to attain, means they’re worldly, or more acceptable to non-vanilla practices.

      So yes. Also the dom/dominatrix might require it as “truthfulness or honesty”.

  1. Pete Rogan

    A friend of mine who’s into BDSM had a heart attack, necessitating a triple bypass. Of course, smartass that I am, I asked him how the experiences compare. He eyed me most sourly, and said:. “It’s only fun when you CHOOSE to do it.”

    There’s an entirely different esthetic between inflictor and inflictee, which seems to have escaped Audri’s grasp. Experienced doms and dommes know how to use their power, and do a very good job (generally) of milking the terror, tension and pain for is full entertainment value. Audri’s inability to discern between playtime pain and real malicious punishment will serve her no good end. How bad an end it can be I leave to your imagination. Mine is not useful here. I’ve read Amnesty International’s report on forms of torture you are not intended to survive.

  2. Logan

    Having a black woman, well, the mind of a black woman in an alien body, receive corporal punishment with visible marks on her back, in a work environment that she seems to be not free to leave, seems like a historical analogy to American slavery. That’s a heavy subject to be right next to jokes about BDSM. I could be totally missing the mark here but this comic felt a little off. Christopher, you do great work, and I appreciate you as an artist, and I’m communicating this respectfully.

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