07/08/24 – Have Each Other


Contemplating their situation, Audri said, "at least we've escaped the Tithoronian authorities." Thinking about that, Val said, "yes, Audri, you're totally right. Chins up. We should focus on the bright side. At least we'll have a safe place to work and exist for now." Then Val squinched her eyes and balled her fists and said, "except that it's all so horrible! We're so screwed!" Yelling at Val to reassure her, Audri said, "bright side, Val. Remember the bright side. Hey, we have each other in all this, right? At least we know who each other are. I'm Audri, a human woman. And you're Val, also a human woman. Although I do identify as a bit gender-queer." Annoyed and checked out of the conversation, Val said, "we're roly-poly mops with tails." Audri replied in long lip noises, "huuuumannn laaaadieees! Just two cis human women having fun in space!" Val said, "with eyes the size of dinner-plates!"


Who you are is who you feel you are inside. Even if you are also still a shaggy space-yak.

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Contemplating their situation, Audri said, “at least we’ve escaped the Tithoronian authorities.” Thinking about that, Val said, “yes, Audri, you’re totally right. Chins up. We should focus on the bright side. At least we’ll have a safe place to work and exist for now.” Then Val squinched her eyes and balled her fists and said, “except that it’s all so horrible! We’re so screwed!” Yelling at Val to reassure her, Audri said, “bright side, Val. Remember the bright side. Hey, we have each other in all this, right? At least we know who each other are. I’m Audri, a human woman. And you’re Val, also a human woman. Although I do identify as a bit gender-queer.” Annoyed and checked out of the conversation, Val said, “we’re roly-poly mops with tails.” Audri replied in long lip noises, “huuuumannn laaaadieees! Just two cis human women having fun in space!” Val said, “with eyes the size of dinner-plates!”
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