07/03/24 – So Screwed


Val and Audrey, being left in a waiting room on Runk's ship, gazed out the window at the stars. Val said, "we are so screwed." Audri said, "so much for hoping for the best." Looking at herself, Val said, "sigh. By the time we got back to Earth, Jo would've probably taken her life anyway. And in our current form, Earth wouldn't have wanted us, except maybe to dissect. So what does it matter?" Smiling and arms akimbo, Audri said, "well, for starters, it would matter for me to be back in Nick's arms again." Pointing at Audri, Val said, "and you don't think he'd take issue with that fact that you're now an alien?" Smiling blissfully with hands clasped together, Audri said, "Nick would see through all that." Wide-eyed, Val yelled, "how have I never met a man who couldn't give a disparaging comment about me gaining five pounds, but you happen to find one who can see your heart past a mop of space-yak hair?" Audri angrily yelled back, " don't know! Maybe you just go after shitty guys! You ever think of that? It's no reason to make me feel crappy and doubt myself." Feeling chastised, Val said, "I'm sorry. That was unkind of me. Between envy and being a space-yak who's just signed away her life to a ship going in the wrong direction I'm grouchy." Crossing her arms, Audri said, "and let's not forget that we recently learned that I'm the 'sexy' space-yak of the two of us."


Ahhh, dear Nick. Nick Nick Nick Nick. 🙂

———————-Alt Text———————-
Val and Audrey, being left in a waiting room on Runk’s ship, gazed out the window at the stars. Val said, “we are so screwed.” Audri said, “so much for hoping for the best.” Looking at herself, Val said, “sigh. By the time we got back to Earth, Jo would’ve probably taken her life anyway. And in our current form, Earth wouldn’t have wanted us, except maybe to dissect. So what does it matter?” Smiling and arms akimbo, Audri said, “well, for starters, it would matter for me to be back in Nick’s arms again.” Pointing at Audri, Val said, “and you don’t think he’d take issue with that fact that you’re now an alien?” Smiling blissfully with hands clasped together, Audri said, “Nick would see through all that.” Wide-eyed, Val yelled, “how have I never met a man who couldn’t give a disparaging comment about me gaining five pounds, but you happen to find one who can see your heart past a mop of space-yak hair?” Audri angrily yelled back, ” don’t know! Maybe you just go after shitty guys! You ever think of that? It’s no reason to make me feel crappy and doubt myself.” Feeling chastised, Val said, “I’m sorry. That was unkind of me. Between envy and being a space-yak who’s just signed away her life to a ship going in the wrong direction I’m grouchy.” Crossing her arms, Audri said, “and let’s not forget that we recently learned that I’m the ‘sexy’ space-yak of the two of us.”
———————-/Alt Text———————-



  1. Dr. Moosen McMoose, Chief Spymooster of the Moosad

    If one’s physical form is altered, and if one has a romantic partner, it is preferable if one’s altered form appeals to the preferences, or even fetishes, of one’s partner. Nick likes literal horse girls, and this is a giant step in that direction.

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