06/12/24 – Challenging Interventions


Jo began pushing Thoos and Rodrigo towards the front door, and she said, "anyhow, you two can leave now. You're not going to take my friend." Picknar, annoyed and a couple steps behind her, said, "now hold on. You can't tell me what to do." Jo turned to Picknar and said, "you think you're a god-damn alien, Val. Which means a screw went a little loose, and I'm not going to let them take advantage of that." Hands on their hips, Picknar said, "sorry, Jo, I'm going." In frustrating Jo squinted her eyes, gritted her teeth, balled her hands into fists, and said, "you're not making this an easy intervention!" Arms akimbo, Picknar said, "I only told you who I really was so you wouldn't be sad!" Annoyed and pointing at Picknar, Jo said, "I know you care! That's why you're my best friend. Okay. Fine. You can go, but I'm coming with you." Surrendering, Picknar said, "if it will allay your suspicions, fine. Rodrigo, is that okay?" Rodrigo smiled and said, "the more the merrier." Jo went to the liquor cabinet and opened it and said, "but I'm still suspicious. In fact, I'm going to grab some of your booze, because, wherever we're going, I won't trust anything they serve me." Rodrigo lifted up a paper bag full of booze and said,"looking for Val's booze? We already got the good stuff." Jo threw her hands in the air and said, "Suuuuspiiiiiciouuuus!"


I guess she’ll just have to drink them all to make sure none are tainted.

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Jo began pushing Thoos and Rodrigo towards the front door, and she said, “anyhow, you two can leave now. You’re not going to take my friend.” Picknar, annoyed and a couple steps behind her, said, “now hold on. You can’t tell me what to do.” Jo turned to Picknar and said, “you think you’re a god-damn alien, Val. Which means a screw went a little loose, and I’m not going to let them take advantage of that.” Hands on their hips, Picknar said, “sorry, Jo, I’m going.” In frustrating Jo squinted her eyes, gritted her teeth, balled her hands into fists, and said, “you’re not making this an easy intervention!” Arms akimbo, Picknar said, “I only told you who I really was so you wouldn’t be sad!” Annoyed and pointing at Picknar, Jo said, “I know you care! That’s why you’re my best friend. Okay. Fine. You can go, but I’m coming with you.” Surrendering, Picknar said, “if it will allay your suspicions, fine. Rodrigo, is that okay?” Rodrigo smiled and said, “the more the merrier.” Jo went to the liquor cabinet and opened it and said, “but I’m still suspicious. In fact, I’m going to grab some of your booze, because, wherever we’re going, I won’t trust anything they serve me.” Rodrigo lifted up a paper bag full of booze and said,”looking for Val’s booze? We already got the good stuff.” Jo threw her hands in the air and said, “Suuuuspiiiiiciouuuus!”
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