05/31/24 – Purloining Purrloin


Heading towards the front door of Audri's apartment, Rodrigo said, "come on, time to go." Looking down at the floor, Thoos asked, "should we take Purrloin?" Rodrigo knelt down and picked up a cat carrier near the door and said, "yes, I suppose you're right. Here put her in this." Thoos held up the carrier, door open, as Picknar lowered Purrloin down into it. Then Thoos got the cat litter and litter box, and they went outside and put it all in the car. Driving away, with Picknar behind the wheel, Picknar said, "I know legally it's our own living spaces, but I can't help but feel like we're burglarizing." With a satisfied smile, Thoos said, "all the fun without having to tell the authorities who your parents are so that they'll let you go."


As the saying goes, you can’t steal from yourself, unless you happen to be someone else. Which isn’t actually a saying or probably anything anyone ever said ever.

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Heading towards the front door of Audri’s apartment, Rodrigo said, “come on, time to go.” Looking down at the floor, Thoos asked, “should we take Purrloin?” Rodrigo knelt down and picked up a cat carrier near the door and said, “yes, I suppose you’re right. Here put her in this.” Thoos held up the carrier, door open, as Picknar lowered Purrloin down into it. Then Thoos got the cat litter and litter box, and they went outside and put it all in the car. Driving away, with Picknar behind the wheel, Picknar said, “I know legally it’s our own living spaces, but I can’t help but feel like we’re burglarizing.” With a satisfied smile, Thoos said, “all the fun without having to tell the authorities who your parents are so that they’ll let you go.”
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