05/06/24 – Speak your Truth


Audri continued yelling, "I don't believe that you do any of it for your health, Val! And you don't have to hide it! You've worked hard to make it look casual how you've sculpted your tight cynical human body. It's nothing to be ashamed of!" Finally Val flew off the handle and shouter out to the city, "fine, Audri. Sure. Yes! Hey alien world! If i could blow up every sag, bulge, and wrinkle with a bazooka, I would." Smiling and calm now, Audri said, "see? There you go. Speak your truth. Well done! And also, that's common ground we can connect on. I also want to blow things up with a bazooka. Only, for me, I'd prefer to blow up the celery and exercise. And the cigarettes and diet cola for that matter." Unimpressed, Val said, "oh yes, I feel so connected now."


So much in common.

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Audri continued yelling, “I don’t believe that you do any of it for your health, Val! And you don’t have to hide it! You’ve worked hard to make it look casual how you’ve sculpted your tight cynical human body. It’s nothing to be ashamed of!” Finally Val flew off the handle and shouter out to the city, “fine, Audri. Sure. Yes! Hey alien world! If i could blow up every sag, bulge, and wrinkle with a bazooka, I would.” Smiling and calm now, Audri said, “see? There you go. Speak your truth. Well done! And also, that’s common ground we can connect on. I also want to blow things up with a bazooka. Only, for me, I’d prefer to blow up the celery and exercise. And the cigarettes and diet cola for that matter.” Unimpressed, Val said, “oh yes, I feel so connected now.”
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  1. someone

    I’d leave celery and exercise alone (how do you blow up exercise anyway?); but I’d settle on blowing up the cigarette companies and the diet cola companies.

  2. Pete Rogan

    I dunno. Two humans in alien bodies, pursued by the local alien police, stop to argue about their human bodies? I understand this is for comic effect, but, Christopher, this is starting to come across as sexist.

    1. Meran

      Respectfully disagree, being of a similar sex to the ladies here. 😉

      These things should be allowed to be open topics between friends/comrades. Not to be published, of vourse!

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