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Ask me again in ten years if I find it depressing or liberating.
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Val and Audri have relocated to a public balcony overlooking the city they are in. Looking out, Val said, “flammy sandwiches aren’t half-bad really, whatever they are. Although everything, even the margaritas, kinda’ taste like asteroid.” Audri said, “I’m not feeling full though. But I’m probably just too anxious about what to do next.” Val looked at her and said, “that’s understandable, we’re stuck on an alien planet with the police looking for us.” But Audri corrected her and said, “not about that. You see, Val, I’m in love. With nick. I’ve been torn from his loving arms and I’ll never meet another like him.” Val said, “yeah. You told me about Nick. I used to believe in love too. But when I hit my forties, my options started drying up. And then one day my heart told me that romance is dead.” Distressed by this, Audri said, “that’s depressing.” Val reassured her, “somewhat depressing. Sure. But it’s also kind-of liberating. Now that I’m not trying to impress others, I’m much more relaxed.” Eyes wide, Audri said, “I’m relaxed too!” Looking concerned, Val said, “I know I’ve only just met you, but are you sure you’re describing yourself? ‘A cacophony of inner turmoil’ seems a more accurate description.” Teeth gritted, Audri said, “I am totally relaxed.” Cautiously, Val asked, “do your nostrils always flare like that when you’re relaxed?”
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You’re so relaxed that you are bending this metal railing.
“All the better to breathe deeply.”
“I thought you were hyperventilating.”
What nostrils?
Try a furryite sandwich next. I hear they’re awesome.
What? You can’t be both depressed and liberated? How limiting.
Yup. The knowledge that everything is shit and nothing good will ever happen again is quite liberating.
My divorce was devastating. It left a hole in my heart I thought would never be refilled. Years passed, but eventually I happened upon a woman who changed my life, and redefined what I thought it meant to be in a relationship. I am happier than ever. I hope you don’t have to wait so long to find your true partner in life. All I can say is that life continues, and it does get better.