03/06/24 – Amazing Capabilities


Knox and Thoos continued driving into town. Thinking, Thoos said, "I'm actually kind of amazed I can read. I guess that this brain switcheroo didn't transfer out the Wernike's area information, because I still have this body's language capabilities." Unimpressed, Knox said, "lo! what were the chances!" Annoyed, Thoos said, "oh, stop whining. You already know we're telling the truth. Why else would you be helping us so much?" Knox said, "I'm only helping you because I love Rigo, and he wants to help you." Thoos rolls their eyes and said, "I don't know why you're being so self-important. as far as I can tell, humans are pretty average. I mean, name one cool thing you can do." Getting frustrated with the conversation, Knox lifted one hand in a "stop" gesture and said, "talk to the hand." Excited, Thoos looked at their hands and said "ooh! Do human hands have hearing capabilities?" Even less enthused, Knox said, "be careful. Even I have limits to what I'll do for my love for Rigo."


Apologies. For the next two weeks I’ll be posting the comics like this: the finished final b&w sketch before inking. I did manage to finish the inks for Willowweep II on schedule for March 1st, but then didn’t quite manage to get enough done between then and driving east to visit family for spring break (since I didn’t get to visit during the holidays). But will try to ink them before April! I hope! Honest I hope!

It would be cool if our hands could, although our own clapping might be a bit painfully loud.

———————-Alt Text———————-
Knox and Thoos continued driving into town. Thinking, Thoos said, “I’m actually kind of amazed I can read. I guess that this brain switcheroo didn’t transfer out the Wernike’s area information, because I still have this body’s language capabilities.” Unimpressed, Knox said, “lo! what were the chances!” Annoyed, Thoos said, “oh, stop whining. You already know we’re telling the truth. Why else would you be helping us so much?” Knox said, “I’m only helping you because I love Rigo, and he wants to help you.” Thoos rolls their eyes and said, “I don’t know why you’re being so self-important. as far as I can tell, humans are pretty average. I mean, name one cool thing you can do.” Getting frustrated with the conversation, Knox lifted one hand in a “stop” gesture and said, “talk to the hand.” Excited, Thoos looked at their hands and said “ooh! Do human hands have hearing capabilities?” Even less enthused, Knox said, “be careful. Even I have limits to what I’ll do for my love for Rigo.”
———————-/Alt Text———————-



  1. Efogoto

    You mentioned before that you’re working on Willowweep II but, like the sound of a bell alerting Pavlov’s dogs to imminent food, the sight of an uncolored Spacetrawler strip has me all abuzz for its release. I hope all goes well for your endeavor, Christopher, and I look forward to pre-ordering WWiilloowweep II – man, that’s a lot of double letters.

  2. 0z79

    You’re one of the hardest working web-comic artists I follow and you’re incredibly humble about it. I’m just reading your stuff for free and along for the ride. You do you, man. Finished or not, it’s still entertaining. Absolutely no complaints from me…. it’s not like you promised two updates per month, then banned the first person to ask where the comics are at after SIX months of radio silence.

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