03/04/24 – What’s That?


Thoos, in the body of Audri, and Knox were driving through neighborhoods back into town, with Thoos looking at the dashboard and asking, "what does this button do?" Knox said, "that's the glove compartment, Thoos." Thoos then asked, "and this one?" Unenthused, Knox replied, "it used to turn on the radio, back when it worked." As they drove by a sign which read "Taxelocution Analyst," Thoos asked, "oh, what's that?" Knox said, "nobody knows."


It all seemed to citing on the surface.

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Thoos, in the body of Audri, and Knox were driving through neighborhoods back into town, with Thoos looking at the dashboard and asking, “what does this button do?” Knox said, “that’s the glove compartment, Thoos.” Thoos then asked, “and this one?” Unenthused, Knox replied, “it used to turn on the radio, back when it worked.” As they drove by a sign which read “Taxelocution Analyst,” Thoos asked, “oh, what’s that?” Knox said, “nobody knows.”
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  1. Ouch!

    (The IRS website is not letting me download forms. Don’t they want my money this year? I have a foreboding that my yearly affliction of incometaxitis just might possibly be more painful than usual this time around!)

  2. someone

    The root “tax” can either come from Latin (with a meaning that can go from “to touch, to feel” to “to appraise, to reckon, to estimate”) or from Greek (with a meaning that is basically “to arrange, to order”). That’s how you can get words so wonderfully close yet different like “tactic” and “tactile”. Elocution is Latin, so the Latin root is more probable (though not guaranteed by any mean), so it’s probably more about tactile elocution than about tactical elocution. But yes, it’s not self-explicit taxonomy.

  3. Coyoty


    Google has very little to say about taxelocution, but from a few listed resumes that shouldn’t have been public, I’ve determined that it involves payroll taxes.

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