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What? Even MOOOORRRE characters? This is crazy town, Mr Baldwin!
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Knox and Rodrigo lie in bed, and Rodrigo, or “Rigo” has woken up. He stretches his arms, yawns, looks over at his husband, and says, “time to get up, Knox. We have a hike planned.” Having none of it, his head still half-buried under the blanket, Knox says, “not yet, Rigo. Just a little more sleep.” Rodrigo smiles and says, “sigh. I love you so much. I only wish there were more ways I could express it.” Knox replies, “you could let your husband sleep in just a wee bit longer… if we’re brainstorming here.”
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Nice storytelling detail, with the two sides of the bed reflecting their Odd Couple personalities.
Ah, we are collecting a team to conquer the galaxy. So when do we get their “Ruddick”?
And which one of them is a Zorilla?
All of them…
And who is Diller?
@Rob, ha! No Zorillas this time the Zorillogy is complete! 🙂
Oh sure, that’s what you WANT us to think, and then BAM! Secret Zorilla.
Yeah, time to move on. Gorillogy next…
They say opposites attract but this should not include morning people and night owls. That’s a bridge too far.
So, are we in a different time zone now? Or skipping back to the morning of the day we already saw the evening of with the other characters going to the hot springs?