08/07/23 – Finally Back Home

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, August 7, 2023.

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There are still 4 more comics to go, but yes, winding winding winding down.


    1. @LucidOne, ha! Perhaps. In Spanish its two words combines “Lonely Bear” (although I’m not sure if a native Spanish speaker would feel that the combination reads well). I kinda named it after one of my own, I have a teddy bear named “Offended.” 🙂

  1. Pete Rogan

    A bear called ‘Mr. Lonely’? Given Aitana’s forced alienation from Raquel and Javier, that’s particularly heartbreaking. Peace be unto her. I can tell her need will be greater than usual.

    …speaking of which, with only four strips to go, why do I now remember Dr. Manhattan telling the (willfully) conflicted Ozymandias, “‘In the end’? Nothing really ends, Adrian.” And waves goodbye and vanishes into thin mist.

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