04/19/23 – Very Frustrated

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, April 19, 2023.




“Easing Frustration, and Other Hobbies,” now a best-selling book by Emily Taylor.


  1. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    That’s going to be a cramped ship for awhile.
    Everybody friendly with each other?

  2. David B

    I don’t understand. The ‘grasper-bombs’ disables her ship, and maybe she could shoot if they crossed right in front of her, but the 3rd panel shows her engines going as well. ???

  3. Pete Rogan

    Quick thrust, quick parry. And so exit all the senior, elderly Stribs who were commanding the commandeered Strib fleet. So who’s in charge now? How long will the power struggles last, and who can be expected to survive, if anyone? Sounds like the right time to tell the combatants to land back on ‘Gentlekindness’ to sort it out… and dispose of the few who don’t go SMACKO into the shield.

    Never give a sucker an even break. And the Stribs deserve a double faceful of their suckiness for their conduct to date.

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