Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, February 17, 2023.
Half of success is knowing the right friend to ask for the right advice from at the right time.
Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, February 17, 2023.
Half of success is knowing the right friend to ask for the right advice from at the right time.
I just noticed Ciara’s tat. It means “ijo unpa”, “sex stuff” in toki pona.
I just now looked that up (I’d never heard of Toki Pona), and huh, yeah. I suppose it is.
Sadly, I only intended it as a VERY simple Celtic knot work design.
Oddly, that fits her personality.
Or maybe “sex object”?
Grammer police: Panel one; “What‘s next(?)
Dammit!! I forgot to close the quote.
I hear the sirens in the distance.
@p0indexterous – GrammEr ????
Should be ‘grammar’ and the mice police will find you soon.
You seem to be a spammer
And might live behind the Moon.
Had to make the joke. Just to poke…
Ah crap…. Now the spelling cops are onto me now!
Spanner, not spammer, gumming up the works!
Grammar, grammar, grammar… Leave me alone!!
More sirens…
Gotta hide…
Damn mice!
@p0indexterous, I see your point, but I think I’m going to leave it (for now?).
I didn’t intend it to be short for “What is happening next,” but rather, “what are we going to do next.” I’ve heard (and use) both.
But I’ll ponder the suggestion. Maybe as it is now, it’s too clumsy/unclear.
“What next?” is fine. It’s an idiom analogous to “What now?”
The dictionary says:
what next (also: whatever next)
used to express surprise or amazement: ‘Blunt instruments! Murder! Whatever next?’.
I will enjoy a Slipping a Mickey again and raise my glass in a toast to C.B.’s excellent lettering …
Now that I’m sober, “What next?” sounds fine.
I’m not ever gonna drink Wild Turkey and eat cbd gummies at the same time.
I Swear it!
I want to come visit you now 😀
What next? No strip with a Strib?
What a cliffhanger – we all will die from anxiety.
Happy last words of love and friendship before an unavoidable sad encounter. Until then the distorted picture of Strangor being displayed on the globe screen is a very nice graphical and/or technical detail. Well done.
No journal comic today?
@M.A., I don’t think I’ve done it on any schedule since I started it up again this autumn, but maybe have had some land on Friday (maybe more than I realized?).
Anyhow, I’ve been sick all week, so haven’t gotten much work done, NOR has very much happened. I’ll probably do one early next week. 🙂
My computer went belly up a month ago, taking all my (5000+) bookmarks with it. As I regain connections I’m trying to put them in some sort of order. Spacetrawler is in with the MWF batch, and the journal comic wound up there so I started checking for it on Fridays because I believe everything I tell myself (tip: try not to do that). I need to start a “Misc. sometimes” category…
If you don’t have a backup, you don’t own the data. You are only renting it from Fate.
I should very much like to quote this ad nauseum to folx!
Hey Christopher, just read you were (are?) sick. Get well soon!
Yeah, for Christopher to miss a posting is highly unusual. He’s often posted when he’s been sick before so I REALLY hope he’s not extremely sick or ill with anything serious. Just that he feels poorly (which is still no fun but not something to worry over). Hope you get better soon and I’m not say that because I want the comic. Honestly! 😀
@Jude, not extremely sick! It’s just still… lingering.
And this run of the journal comic (since I started it up again in the autumn) has been based on how much is happening, and not on a schedule (I truly didn’t want more pressure in my life). When I first arrived here I sometimes posted a few per week because there was so much new I was experiencing. But I have done pretty much nothing for the last week except get the minimal amount done of work I needed to, and sat around watching “Laid-Back Camp.” 🙂
@Jude, ahhhhhhh! I just noticed today’s strip didn’t post. THAT’S what you were referring to. Sorry! Saved it incorrectly, so it didn’t auto-update. But it’s up now!
The better part of valor really IS discretion, and it doesn’t have to be singular. Even Falstaff had friends he could rely on.
You mean all this time Ciara’s been wearing an EMOJI? I’m faintly amused. But only faintly. For the image-besotten: Laugh, tongue out, throw TV through window, slam bathroom door. There.