Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, November 23, 2022.
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Time for Tesfay to turn this hover bike around!
Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, November 23, 2022.
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Time for Tesfay to turn this hover bike around!
That’s the spirit! Terrify danger by sheer audacity! If it works, you’re a hero, and if it doesn’t, well you’re no longer around to care!
Four down, seven to go. Here’s looking at you Blue Meanie.
Symbiont has created a monster… fighter…
Somewhat interesting that, despite all the morphological differences of the many species on those hover bike, they all are fitted with similar machines; no need for adaptation.
I guess “must be able to ride a hover bike of type XYZ” must have been a condition of employment.
“You must be this high to ride the hover bike.”
Is that a “jump the shark” reference?
Anyway we will see Tesfay show courage and loose a limb shortly.
This comic has now officially bopped the shark.
Buttface Ladyspiderbug! Nooo! You were too good for this world!
Ohhhh, dear. Parasite, you know not what you have done. (Dons helmet)
In reading some old strips, I found two that remain unfinalized. I hope you don’t mind me bringing this up.