Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, November 21, 2022.
Audio PlayerMight as well trust the symbiont in this situation, right?
Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, November 21, 2022.
Audio PlayerMight as well trust the symbiont in this situation, right?
I think the Symbiont’s been watching Jackie Chan movies.
I see the stribs opted for the lowest bidding biker gang too.
With a close-up in panel four, what I could only make out as “Large indigo beast” in the last strip is now obviously Space Shark!
I think they’ve got the swing of things.
And they’re getting a kick out of it.
The question is, would you wear the Symbiont?
Would I wear it? Depends whether I could pull it off.
It can be a little loud.
You don’t wear the Symbiont. The Symbiont wears YOU!
Can you take me HIY-YAHHH? *guitar riff*
Two down (Big Pink Guy and Eyestalk Dude), nine more to go!
I thought Chicken Man had suddenly gained a rocking crest, but actually it’s just the jet flames from Four-Legs’ hoverbike behind him.
Which one is next? Place your bets!
– Chicken Man
– Four-Legs
– Blue Meanie
– Space Shark
– Pink Spider
– Purple Snake
– Green Lizard
– Snout Face
– That Guy
Is it me seeing things or is Blue Meanie wearing the hirt of Charlie Brown? (well, he definitely IS round-headed)
Tesfay’s attitude stems from being literally jerked around by the symbiont, but the gamer in me looks at this and sees a player that’s bored because their build is totally OP.
So you’re saying the symbiont is OP? Except he’s never bored, unless there’s no way for it to inject a bit of madness and mayhem into the situation. (And here I thought *I* had ADHD.)
Also, at this point in the strip I keep having this thought come to mind RE: the symbiot. Something I read years ago which I had attributed to some Nazi general, but apparently (per the Modern War Institute at West Point) came from a Soviet general during the Cold War:
“A serious problem in planning against American doctrine is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine.”
EDIT: While searching to make sure I had the quote right, I found a source that attributed a similar observation to a German officer during WW2:
“The reason the U.S. Navy does so well in wartime is that war is chaos, and the U.S. Navy practices chaos on a daily basis.”
In my silly metaphor, I cast the gestalt of Tesfay and the symbiont as the character being played, and Tesfay, as an entity unto himself, also represents the player. Tesfay’s demeanor here could be interpreted as bored by the symbiont not letting him do anything. It’s like if you, as the player of a shoot-em-up game, chose to sink all of your character’s level-up points into an auto-shooting, auto-targeting ability controlled by the game’s AI. One that’s powerful enough to manage every threat, but requires absolutely no skill on your part, as player. You can overcome all challenges, but it’s really just the computer playing against itself.
At this point, Tesfay should change his name to “resigned”.
He signed for this up AGAIN?!
Dear diary: Today the parasite (SYMBIONT! SYMBIONT! SYMBIONT!) converted me into an outsized personal melee weapon. I can hardly wait to see what comes next.