Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, April 13, 2022.
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What a way to wake up. Why weren’t they immediately greeted with coffee?
Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, April 13, 2022.
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What a way to wake up. Why weren’t they immediately greeted with coffee?
They’re gonna potty like it’s 1984.
Get those helmets off team. They’re pumping you full of Plutosran chemicals.
Those helmets do look sinister. Waiting for them to start singing “Happy Happy Joy Joy.”
They’re vaccinated against it.
Terraforming and diaper changing immediately makes me think of planetary poop.
Which normally only occurs to me when i think about politics.
Could be worse… It could have said “terrorforming”.
Well, it Is talking about raising Stribs though. How much closer to terror forming can you get?
And the fun begins…
My impression is that the Stribs come naturally caffeinated. With something that isn’t caffeine and it leaves a dark psychological mark. I’d like to feed them four cups of Earthy java each and see what THAT does to their personalities.
Incidentally, I grow more irritated with the Stribs seeing that they make robots with digital appendages and enough smarts to carry on a conversation. I’d like to know the reason why Strib robots aren’t being made to raise their kids. Hints at a more shadowy, more predatory motive in getting humans to do the work. Besides the forced love and pharmaceutically-induced attachment. I smell parasitism, not to mention the reek of the vampire.
Ah, but the problem is that the Stribs don’t seem to understand empathy or compassion, therefore they’d have a heck of a time programming it into their robots.
Why that leads them to kidnap thousands of nursemaids instead of just hiring a couple of programmers from a species which does understand empathy and compassion is an interesting question… Probably they’re sadists and this way sounds more fun, even though it’s undoubtedly way more expensive.
Robots might make good nursemaids. You would think that building the right design of robots copying Stribs would work better and cheaper than the way they do it. Unless they have an endless supply of everything they need.
Humanoid mammals like humans are ideal surrogates though breast feeding may be out of the question.
That’s kind of an echo of the “Mars Needs Moms” movie, a rather bad adaptation of a really good childrens’ picture book.
You think they would just go with Skinner Boxes. I mean, cyrosis cells are halfway there already…
No tinfoil hat on the symbiont, I notice….. That just *might* be a mistake.