03/28/22 – They’d Like A Word

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, March 28, 2022.




It’s always wise to remain mum. Especially when it allows one to register the patent. 😉


    1. Nah, they just recognise the intelligence and ability of said person. Or she is interfering in their dimension somehow.

      I doubt it’s the same part of the Galaxy as Noag has a very long relationship with her.

  1. Meerling

    Choan kind of did copy the technology the Stribbs stole from the Orb Entity, but it was for a positive outcome as part of the rescue operation. The fact that she’d happily market it afterwards is just a sidenote. It would really mess up piracy, warfare, and fly by lethal strafings if everyone had shields that the weapons can’t bust through.

  2. Pete Rogan

    Of all the things to fear in the Galaxy, a non-smiling Choan is among the top five. That means she’s thinking. And from her brief (at THIS end) sojourn, it would seem she’s had some ideas put together that didn’t meet before. Now they do. And woe to the chumps who get in her way! They may not even have time to realize they were targets.

    I don’t think we’ll have to wait long to perceive the fruits of her consideration. Not long at all, O my brothers.

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