Tesfay’s got a good grip on Ruddock’s collar. You can only trust a coyote so far…
How about an update of the “cast” page?
…or the “monday tuesday wednesday thursday” thing for that matter
Pete Rogan
….and off scamper Moses and Aaron, witnessing to the new flock.
Really, I expect another religious parallel almost immediately. They’re so easy to make out of ordinary encounters. Not that any expected encounter is going to be ‘ordinary’ in any sense of the word, O my brothers.
I keepthinking of the Aislin mice in Seanan McGuire’s cryptid series.
Creation myths take time.
mel vixen
Yeh but you can get decent Royalities from the booksales!
I can see R-Mice forming a galaxy spanning, hitchhiker civ in no time.
I can’t help feeling a little creeped out by seeing a talking character get eaten alive… by a protagonist.
Little late commenting but I want to tell Aitana to let Chiphu be and let him enjoy his mice. Probably the closest thing he had to a family and unconditional love.
No doubt intelligent robot mice will once rule the galaxy. And their humble origins will be an enigma shrouded in mystery…
Tesfay’s got a good grip on Ruddock’s collar. You can only trust a coyote so far…
How about an update of the “cast” page?
…or the “monday tuesday wednesday thursday” thing for that matter
….and off scamper Moses and Aaron, witnessing to the new flock.
Really, I expect another religious parallel almost immediately. They’re so easy to make out of ordinary encounters. Not that any expected encounter is going to be ‘ordinary’ in any sense of the word, O my brothers.
I keepthinking of the Aislin mice in Seanan McGuire’s cryptid series.
Creation myths take time.
Yeh but you can get decent Royalities from the booksales!
I can see R-Mice forming a galaxy spanning, hitchhiker civ in no time.
I can’t help feeling a little creeped out by seeing a talking character get eaten alive… by a protagonist.
Little late commenting but I want to tell Aitana to let Chiphu be and let him enjoy his mice. Probably the closest thing he had to a family and unconditional love.
No doubt intelligent robot mice will once rule the galaxy. And their humble origins will be an enigma shrouded in mystery…