Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, November 3, 2021.
I actually spent a fair amount of time drawing non-Spacetrawler things for a good chunk of Friday and Saturday. A freelance job. It felt good. I love Spacetrawler, but fixing up this house has definitely taken up a lot of “free time” and so I haven’t gotten to do as many side projects this year, which I miss. But, hopefully the house is an investment towards more time going forward.
“A lot of my patients have hoof-in-mouth disease.”
“Don’t you mean hoof-and-mouth?”
I thought that was Bikkie for half a second. I know, that would make no sense in at least three ways, but still.
Now there’s a match made in hell.
You missed your chance to coin the term “dentapist”
Serendipity! A comic about dentistry on the day I had a busted molar removed.
Surgically, since it was a root canal gone to aitch-e-double hockey sticks. Well, just canal and root left really.
I can only imagine the hoofing Khaba administered. I hope her therapist was skilled with facial reconstruction, too. Looks like it would be necessary.
Chris… I hates ta break it to ya, but the list of things to do on a renovated house is never ever ever done.
How can he do anything with hooves? He needs hands. Hands with hoof like nails like the early horses and Lovecraft’s ghouls with “half-hooved feet”.
You have to take evolution and it is annoying when it isn’t. At least Rick & Morty points it out as “how is that even possible” mention. Lamp shading it.
Sorry, once an evolutionist…
As usual excellent drawings and writing. Very natural and funny too.
Why is the bully saying “therapist” with the “T” not boldened out?
… fixing up this house has definitely taken up a lot of “free time” and so I haven’t gotten to do as many side projects this year…
Trust me — this house won’t just help you go forward with a story, but it has the risk of turning into a story-and-a-half-split-level.