A few days ago, I commented about the armaments on the Pungent Lunger. Now I think that Ruddock’s laser may play a greater role in stopping the Stribs.
Pete Rogan
Oh, the mayhem we’ll see! Getting another lemonade because I spilled most of the last one choking on laughter.
I rather like that sound effect.
Like that “CHUFF!” one (the stabbing of rogue murderous Ebb)
It’s hard to top “pflarb” for sheer comedic effect.
(At least, now that Don Martin is gone. He shall forever fashklork gashklitzka fagroon klubble klubble in our hearts.)
I am particularly fond of “SPLURCH!” from the long-defunct Casey and Andy.
That was a fun trip back into memory lane. Well written and funny, I wonder what the artist/writer is up to now
The author: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Weir
(link to “Casey & Andy” comic for the curious: http://www.galactanet.com/comic/view.php?strip=1 )
No place to lose your mind or your allergy meds.
“What a waste it is to lose one’s mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.”
Dan Quayle,
Vice President of the United States of America, May 9, 1989
Looks like Chekhov’s canine mounted laser has finally been fired. Does this mean it’s the third act?
It got used to blow up the warehouse of paperwork quite a while back, too, although I think this is its first kill.
Is this an auto aiming laser, or is he just lucky.
Unless it’s hidden, doesn’t look like he has a communication device. Maybe it’s on his collar.
His yellow collar is in approxiscan. https://www.baldwinpage.com/spacetrawler/2020/01/08/010820-approxiscans/
This is when Ruddock got his toy…
And where they notice Ruddick boarded the strib ship…
A few days ago, I commented about the armaments on the Pungent Lunger. Now I think that Ruddock’s laser may play a greater role in stopping the Stribs.
Oh, the mayhem we’ll see! Getting another lemonade because I spilled most of the last one choking on laughter.
Give that coyote some pepper.
They will surely notice missing crew members.
Especially since this one is one of the three who seem to be in charge.
I suspect his sensitive nose will wipe out the entire crew…
I am to much of a nerd. All I can think of is Worf sneezing and seeing Riker getting vaporized. All he saying is “oops”
I remember Worf on the bridge telling Geordie: “I feel a sneeze coming on.”
Geordie looks at him. “A Klingon sneeze?”
Worf replies, “Only kind I know.”
Did you know that the Dalek word for ‘gesundheit’ sounds exactly like the english ‘exterminate’?
And I suspect his sensitive noise is allergic to Stribs.
Considering Bikkie is attracted too the other Kangaroo like Alien. Maybe Ruddock will fall in love with a Strib…and then sneeze.
I could actually see Ruddock sneezing his way to conquering the Stribs and then being haunted by alien Ghosts.