07/23/21 – Know Each Other

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, July 23, 2021.

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What a pleasure when old friends meet again. 🙂


  1. Pete Rogan

    Ohhh, no. We’ve been set up right proper, we have.

    Things begin to look dim for the Stribs, which makes me happy. I can hardly wait to see what their next step is going to be, besides getting together in person.

    As Calvin once said as the dynamite truck careened in front of the sports car on the edge of the Grand Canyon with a firey meteor plunging in their direction, “This oughta be good.”

  2. TB

    Ordered up a copy of “Willowweep Manor” from Amazon. It arrived today, and when I opened the shipping envelope, the cover had some kind of dark red goober on it, as though the guy who packed it had been enthusiastically eating a jelly donut. Or had just murdered somebody. No, I didn’t touch it.

    Went online for a replacement, which Amazon is firing out instantly. Don’t even have to return the first one. But now I gotta wait another day to read it…

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