05/26/21 – Sick and Horrible

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, May 26, 2021.




Classic Zorrilla offspring behavior. 🙂


  1. Coyoty

    They tried to make sure Raquel and Javier had no one left behind, too. So they likely murdered everyone’s children. Then there are the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., suffering from their lost loved ones and murdered nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. They all have someone left behind and suffering.

    1. Prior Semblance

      The events at the start of the story show that Aitana was the only time their research mistakenly chose a couple with a child (I would guess because she was adopted). They had to figure out what to do about the mistake on the spot, it wasn’t something they had an existing plan for. So while they will quickly jump to murder, they did at least try to avoid it at first… except when it comes to where they land their ship.

        1. Terry Hunt

          Re the mice: I wonder if Mr Baldwin is aware (and being an artist he probably is) that the British painter Terence Cuneo, who specialised in Animals (e.g. Elephants), Railway locomotives and Military scenes, for the latter 40 years of his career always included a mouse somewhere in every painting?

  2. Pete Rogan

    You’re being lied to, Aitana. Unfortunately, Chris is right about Zorilla offspring behavior, and you’re sensitive to reading an outrageous situation wrong. Take it from me, you’re not wrong. The Stribs are mercilessly hijacking parents for their offspring because they can’t spare the time to raise kids themselves. They’re too busy looking for dark races they can enslave to do it for them. Whatever reasoning they employ to suggest they have the same right to exist as other races that DO raise their own children is simply wrong. And parasitic. And incorrectably selfish. Paint a big X on their planet and put up the sign: DROP H-BOMB HERE. The Galaxy will thank you.

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