Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, May 3, 2021.
Audio PlayerThere once was an antihero named Tesfay
Who wasn’t having his best day
He just hoped the barrel
he was in was quite sterile
but that never did seem his dest-i-nay
There once was a man name of Seshy
with Symbiont he didn’t mesh-y
He’s with three battle hatchets
To protect his assets
In case things get rather messy
Five credits says there’s a secret message in the book of poems that would require Tes to stay on planet in order to act upon.
How do you suppose N’vil Brigeedo stacks up against William McGonagall, who “has long been regarded as ‘the worst poet in the history of the English language'” according to this Scottish Poetry Library site? If you can stomach his poem “The Tay Bridge Disaster” then N’vil Brigeedo may just be your up of tea.
Might be a challenge to the poetry of Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz. (…or have I just crossed the streams? Or is even suggesting ‘crossing the streams’ like, meta-crossing? And, uh, does that mean the streams are going to cross me???)
@Chowder Power: Yes.
Oh, okay then.
Truly ridiculous. It takes a special kind of bull-headedness to produce such trash as “The Tay Bridge Disaster” without a smirk or a wink. I see now why Douglas Adams sought to rip such horrendous poetry in a book that has no other referent to it than a subsidiary cause of Earth’s destruction, dolphins or no.
It’s a Chekhov’s Gun barrel.
“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it is too dark to read.”
Uh… he is in a barrel, so what is the light source?
The lid does seem to be glowing…
For some reason there is a light built into the barrel lid. Like they were expecting beings to smuggle themselves.
That and the fresh air supply.
I suspect this is a modified barrel for just such an occasion.
“Boy, it’s lucky you had these barrels.”
It’s alright Tesfay, I’m also a heathen who can’t read non-rhyming poetry.
inb4 turns out she was psychotic, too
Re-reading, and I only just noticed what a fancy uniform Khaba has on, with lace at the collar and braids on the sleeves. Can’t wait to see what Diller and Zakzar have on.
Maybe these books come with their own light source. We have those. The book appears to be shining light onto his face.
Also, either Tesfay doesn’t understand “be quiet” or Chris doesn’t like thought balloons. Come to think of it, Chris, have you ever used thought balloons?
He definitely used thought balloons in Bruno, but I don’t recall if they’ve appeared in Spacetrawler at all.
I love that they are HAPPY Barrels. You can tell by the smiley face on the lid of each one.
I doubt it stayed sterile for long… lol