02/11/21 – Getting Out

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, February 11, 2021.

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Symbiont to the rescue!!!


  1. The Shadow

    Also, Tesfay… NEVER tell the symbiont you’ll “do anything” to avoid a certain situation. It’s already messed with your brain without your consent, what will it do when you’ve written it a blank check?

  2. Coyoty

    Tesfay’s not trapped with Symbiont. Symbiont’s trapped with Tesfay. It needs him to get around and live. It’s trying to make the best of its situation. I think at some point it’ll be forced to admit it.

    1. Mr. Scott

      Yeah, that would be boring. *Much* more fun to find the high-voltage superconducting cable that runs the drive system. Or maybe the artificial gravity, or the inertial compensators that prevent the crew from being squished by high accelerations.

      Might also find the sewage pipes.

      1. Mr. Scott

        Yeah, that would be boring. *Much* more fun to find the high-voltage superconducting cable that runs the drive system. Or maybe the artificial gravity, or the inertial compensators that prevent the crew from being squished by high accelerations.

        Might also find the sewage pipes.

        Now I’m wondering whether such craft would use high-pressure sewage pipes, local processors of some sort, or what.

        1. Mr. Scott

          In zero gravity, there’s no ‘downhill’ to make sewage flow down. You could count on the artificial gravity never going out, or (if feasible) use small gravity generators to make waste flow along the pipe, or use pumps…

        2. Pete Rogan

          Depends on the life-support system installed. Most ships would have a two-cycle water recovery system (wastewater to wash water to drinking water) just because water is heavy, and the less you have to carry because you’re dumping wastewater, the better. So you’d have water pipes almost certainly.

          Solids are a different problem, because recovery either requires hydroponic algae farms and all their impedimenta, or, for sufficiently high-enough tech, a recombinant array that breaks down and reassembles molecules from waste into something appearing to be food. Depending on how advanced this recovery tech is, it could be light enough to recycle every organic on board ship, or the architects would have to figure out the mass of the array versus the mass of stored food, and the lightening of the ship as it disposed of unrecyclable solids. And of course the transport, breakdown and recombinant machinery for the food produced thereby. Pipes might be involved here, too. Can be tricky.

          Or didn’t I mention my background in the giant-robot and starship design fields?

    1. p0indexterous

      Gumby! He’s here and he will be sure to stay(until he kills you)
      GUMBY! Let’s all see what magical games he can play(like Super Slinky Spy!)
      GUMBY! He can change into anything with his pals Tesfay, Atiana, and Chiphu
      GUMBY! He will walk through the wall if you want him to(or use a laser cutter)
      When you’re sad, Gumby makes you glad with all the things(it’s done to your brain)
      Yup…. Gumby is the perfect name

  3. Pete Rogan

    Aaaand the space-age Abbott and Costello go on to greater things. Or should that be Didi and Gogo? They’re not Alphonse and Gaston, that’s for sure. They seem less Laurel and Hardy than Martin and Lewis, really. More Krazy Kat and Ignatz. But with a laserblade rather than a brick to the head.

    I can see the future films now: “Tesfay and Symbi Meet The Mummy.” “Tesfay and Symbi Meet Frankenstein’s Monster.” “Tesfay and Symbi Go Around the Galaxy in a Daze.” Has Columbia Pictures optioned them yet?

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