11/23/20 – Safe and Sound

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, November 23, 2020.

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See? The symbiont is sweet. And knows about self-esteem and self-care! 🙂

Annnnd, a PSA. Allow me to take this moment and urge people to stay home for Thanksgiving & abandon travel plans, to avoid spreading Coronavirus.


    1. Keith

      Eyes open like that, catatonic. Also you can get some stimulus responses that tell you how deep it is. Comatose, eyes close and good luck on any response to stimuli except the automatic stuff. That is how I remember it. It’s been over 30 years since the first courses I had and wasn’t all awake…only a few other refreshers since. And I haven’t been in that game in a very long time.

  1. Pete Rogan

    He’d better be. He has a catatonic PTSD patient (in whose care he is OBVIOUSLY not at all prepared) on board the Puppy-people ship. Discovery would be, to coin a word, unfortunate.

    And the symbiont, never mind its empty assurance that it doesn’t need peer approval for its happiness, can be counted on to get Tesfay and itself into even more danger. I don’t know what its personal ethos is about helpless hosts, but if it wants to survive, pretty soon it’s got to get busy hiding Tesfay or getting into — and out of! — a three-way firefight with ruthless aliens who are not going to be amused by the situation IN THE LEAST.

    Nogg could tell when an emergency hatch was open. Do the Puppy-people investigate outside airlocks cycling for no apparent reason? If so…

    I think my pop dispenser this week is going to be in a secure stand difficult to knock down and without a foot-pump to break and soak my socks in Dr. Pepper. Yeah.

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