Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, October 8, 2020.
Audio PlayerAs Choan described it when she gave it to Emily, “most accurate gun in the galaxy.”
Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, October 8, 2020.
Audio PlayerAs Choan described it when she gave it to Emily, “most accurate gun in the galaxy.”
Just goes to show up everyone who thinks Emily is irresponsible and inconsistent. She obviously isn’t “hit or miss”!
Not storm trooper issue.
Or, Storm Trooper Iissue before the auto-aim was rigged to not properly aim at rebels.
Hmph. Not enough dakka.
Moar dakka!
I like the progressive facial expressions and body attitudes that illustrate Chiphu’s dawning realization that the gun’s in charge.
Say, is Tesfay left-handed? I haven’t paid attention before.
They appear to have shot with the same gun so why didn’t it work for Tesfay?
Chiphu’s gun is grey and has a knuckle guard while Tesfay’s is purple and has no knuckle guard. The question I have is where Chiphu put his away, so that we couldn’t see it in his hand after the first panel.
From the colors and descriptions of the weaponry, I see that you have Tesfay and Chiphu confused.
I cannot believe I screwed up on that.
I especially like Panel 5, where the gun shoots at a right angle.
For a second I thought Chiphu was ricocheting a shot off the wall and to the target; I do the same thing with airsoft! But, no.. it’s just an impossibly accurate gun.
Took me a fair bit of practice to shoot off a back wall, have the pellet miss me and hit a target in front of me. Lots of trig was done that week.
Lots of trig was done that week.
You’re saying it took time, but you finally developed TRIG-ger discipline?
(ducking and covering now…)
Huh. A weapon that allows you to focus on the most critical element of fire combat: Timing. When you know you can’t miss, you tend to focus on when you need to be pulling the trigger, and at who. Which gets you into the question of why you should be shooting at all. This could bring you to a different conclusion than just worrying about whether you can hit the guy who’s suddenly drawn your attention and/or contempt. And that can simplify a LOT of conflict.
I know enough about the 2d Amendmenters to know they’d HATE the concept, for the same reason they hate stun weapons. Weapons are SUPPOSED to miss when you shoot the person carrying one in a way that offends you, like he has a badge you don’t agree with. If you thought this issue was black-and-white simple, guess again.
Can’t tell if you’re saying 2d Amdmrs need an option of missing on purpose (like a warning shot), or that they’d hate the thought of thinking before pulling a trigger.
Well… both, really. In a highly personalized way. They WANT weapons that kill in their hands and in the hands of the people they don’t like, because that makes it a life-or-death situation every time they meet, which is when they expect to win. That eliminates thought completely, and makes the outcome, even if unfavorable, a non-zero-sum result. That is, they don’t have to worry about trial at the hands of authorities they don’t recognize or having to deal with punishment they don’t feel they earned, ’cause he was askin’ for it anyways.
Missing the target is a matter of personal skill, or luck, which they figure is just par for the course. They prefer their consequences quick and thoughtless, so they don’t have to think, no matter the outcome.
Have you ever been to a shooting range? Ever read even one issue of Guns and Ammo or The American Rifleman?
I have, and I have further talked with some agitated people who are very plain-spoken on the issue of gun rights and the proper purposes of firearms. They want the world simpler than it is, and open armament of the citizenry is only part of what they envision. All questions devolve to the ur-essential right to bear arms, so long as they are firearms and lethal. What makes them dangerous is not their dependence on weaponry but their strong urge to simplicity and absolute incapability to contemplate any thought that does not have a sure and preferably immediate solution.
Incidentally, I am a gun owner and have known many responsible gun owners. But I have also known ideologues who reduce all questions to the right to keep and bear arms. I don’t have any problem with people owning guns, but I do have a problem with people who have confused the 2d Amendment with the First Commandment.
Clearly in addition to whatever technology is directing the beam from the muzzle, there is also some sort of mind reading tech to determine what the target is!
That gun takes auto-targeting to a whole new level.
With that gun, you REALLY need to practice trigger discipline.
How’s it know what he wants to hit?
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, so Chiphu must have used the correct incantation.