Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, May 26, 2020.
Audio PlayerWe used to do this as kids to our mom, after she said “no” a dozen times in a row. Never worked with her either.
Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, May 26, 2020.
Audio PlayerWe used to do this as kids to our mom, after she said “no” a dozen times in a row. Never worked with her either.
See: My previous comments on how Stangor was doomed chasing Emily from the start. My only question now is: What other skulduggery will find her and decide she’s a useful tool against this madcap mob of Earthlings?
Eh. I still thin she will get bored and join with our kinda merry band just because there is nothing better to do.
Bikkie thinks that is a complement. I will have to remember that for future insult usage. It’s a good one.
Yeah, we all would, but we’re all locked up, too. Except the asylum escapees getting massages on the beach.
Who’s “locked up,” though? Certainly the parking lot of the supermarket nearest me is (both times I’ve ventured out) as full as it normally is.
A cage held Dustin but I think that’s the low end of the scale of prisoner managment. Stangor seems a tad craftier, not that thats’ saying much.
It may not be a vacation resort but she did get a mini bar. Several of them in fact.
@Saprophyte, nice one.
Stangor sure sounds hurt and offended and blames Emily for it. Who is the aggrieved party here? Just maybe both.
Emily is being so much nicer to Stangor instead of blasting him to carbon. Part of her move to civilization and not so much in her old feral brain mode. Very good.