Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, May 11, 2020.
The “compassionate zap” is like a “thing” in the Spactrawler universe, isn’t it? I mean, if you could harmlessly make a friend unconscious, and saw they were about to do a bad thing in the heat of the moment that you knew they’d regret, would you zap them?
Chiphu: Getting too damn old for this shit.
Hiya. Is her costume an hommage to “Saturn Girl” of the old Legion of Super Heroes?
@Steven, had never heard of her! So, nope! 🙂
I did ask what Chiphu’s clothing did.
Apparently, the symbiote is also “zappable.”
Yeah, I’d do a “compassionate zap”. OK, I’m lying. I’d zap them just for the hell of it.
Steven: That’s what I thought, too! Without the unfortunate finale.
The safest thing they could do right now is leave Joy-boy where he’s fallen and get out of the understreet. Enough badness is waiting for them up there they know nothing about, and hauling around a proven unhelpful native isn’t likely to improve that in any way. Not when the population sees them all wearing shirts that say SUCKERRRR! on them. I say it’s time to get OFF this turkey planet.