Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, April 9, 2020.
Audio PlayerI think that’s the first time I’ve ever used the correct form of “discreet.”
Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, April 9, 2020.
Audio PlayerI think that’s the first time I’ve ever used the correct form of “discreet.”
If I was there, I think that I’d start looking elsewhere for help, real quick.
Did someone say BLOOOOOOOD!!!!!!
Rudock and Bickie … could be a buddy cop movie
Somebody beat me too it.
…And he’s probably gonna be just a there-and-gone cameo…
He might bloodgeon someone first!
They were just hanging out on a random planet in an huge galaxy, so it stands to reason. That’s the typical way of finding Emily.
Awesome! ????
“Bikkie thinks it’s funny that alien over there looks like dingo!”
Bikkie has never seen a coyote, but he’s seen dingoes.
Ruddock probably thinks that alien over there looks like a giant jackrabbit.
Wow, that alien really DOES look just like a Kangaroo.
Seeing Bikkie made my day!!
He’s going to stiff them for the check, isn’t he?
Or the menu is titled “To Serve Man”.
I love the fact that a tentacled alien and an expatriate kangaroo sitting down at a little two-top for an elegant lunch with wine manages to look perfectly normal and unremarkable.
Only Wezzle has wine, Bikkie’s drink looks like orange or carrot juice.
The point to your pedantry being?
My mind reels at the panoply of eventualities, followed by casualties.
–No! NO! Must–not–imagine Bikkie pounding the life out of the puppy-people!!
@Pete Rogan:
Must–not–imagine Bikkie pounding the life out of the puppy-people!!
Ohh c’mon! Go ahead! You know you want to!
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! (as Petey Otterloop would say)
Well as I live and breathe, Bikkie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cameos just to stir the blood…
I liked the line from one alien in David Brin’s Uplift series.
“As I live and breath mints! A Human!”