04/07/20 – Plutonsran Chemical Corporation

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, April 7, 2020.

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  1. DSL

    Does the Wernicke-thingy also translate visually? Not only is the sign in English, it’s in Helvetica Italic. (No matter the actual physical medium, Helvetica to me always looks like vinyl press-on stickers. Near where I live, giant freighters come in to port with their names proudly welded onto their bows in cut-steel letters, and still it looks like vinyl press-on stickers from the mailbox aisle at the home improvement store.)

  2. Muzhik

    Not only is the sign in English, it’s in Helvetica Italic.

    That (Helvetica Italic) is in and of itself is proof that these people on this planet are evil. Not just “evil” evil, but walking, talking advertisements demonstrating the banality of evil.

    The only way they could be worse, could rise (or fall?) to truly Dr. Evil levels of evil, is if they were using Comic Sans.

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