Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, January 23, 2020.
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It’s funny how sometimes ANYTHING feels easier than dealing with relationship stuff.
It’s funny how sometimes ANYTHING feels easier than dealing with relationship stuff.
I knew a guy who volunteered for another tour in Vietnam to avoid his mother-in-law. Said it was easier that dealing with the old b—.
Emily has a bad case of pseudo nihilism going on. So the place is set for controlled mayhem. I wonder if they have a ready means of giving you another life if you pay for it via insurance? (Though if that assumption is correct they may put you into a body like theirs not a human one. But that is a big IF.)
Tough neighborhood.
Christopher, same problem here with the panels going off into the right margin, cutting off parts of words… like yesterday’s offering. ??
Didn’t happen to me yesterday, but it is today.
Curiously, the whole thing is there, just not displaying properly on mobile – if you hold down on it and save the image, it’s just fine.
I’m afraid it’s just a weird glitch with the “Theme” I use in WordPress, where if I don’t center the strip when I upload it, that happens. Thank you for the notice again, fixed!
Glitches happen! As do fixes
Where are they, Lagos in the 80s? Or Jugoslavia during the war? Heck, I thought this took a dark turn with the googly-eyed homewreckers, but now we’re veering into some serious territory.
I don’t mean that it’s bad – it’s not! – but it sure is surprising! Which is good.
Actually, the cabbie’s offer gave me hope. A criminal neighborhood that has rules can be negotiated. Unlike, say, Beirut in the early ’80s or Saigon 1975. There’s a stability there which, if you know how to tap into it, can keep you safe.
I’m speaking as a kid who grew up on the east side of Detroit when we were the nation’s murder capital. In the old Fifth Precinct, which led the city in homicides. I don’t have a hole in me anywhere.
I don’t have a hole in me anywhere.
As opposed to some of your acquaintances, who are now …
… holey’er than thou …
You’ll do time in purgatory for that one, @Muzhic
Actually, only two of them are dead. Three did time — might still be there, in fact. The rest went on the run or just vanished. You’d be amazed how easily that can be arranged in a major city. No driver’s license, no car, no house, no (official) job — The last estimate I saw said that the population of Detroit could be 100,000 higher than the most current estimate, which was in January.
Don’t take my word for it. Go to your local homeless shelter, check out the laundry room, and see if you can count how many fast-food uniforms are tumbling in the dryer. And remember those people are the LEGAL ones. The ones who ain’t legal… you ain’t gonna find them if they don’t want to be found. And if they want to be found… it’s gonna cost you. Don’t go looking.
Damn, that place is giving Mos Eisley some competition for the most wretched hive of scum and villainy. But at least they’re up front about it.
Any place that has armored taxis, and that armor is scarred, is an “interesting” place.
We all knew that getting rid of the unclamped Eebs was a mistake.