01/09/20 – Kid-Kind

Spacetrawler, audio version For the blind or visually impaired, January 9, 2020.




I do like this quality in children, the hard part is not being so much in a hurry that you’re annoyed by it too much to appreciate it.


    1. Jude

      I’m definitely older and thankfully retired yet I still feel like a kid inside. I was so excited to find a tiny spider in our condo and wouldn’t let my son kill it. It’s was on the ceiling and I think it was a jumping spider – my favourite kind! Too many adults are mentally old and boring but being older and retired, without the responsibilities of being a parent, makes being a kid again a lot easier.

  1. Jude

    Ruddock, do the inhabitants know that to you lifting your leg to take a pee on Emily’s ship is normal canine behaviour? And of course, you couldn’t know, that to them, it’s a declaration of war.

    Yes, Emily is hard, no-nonsense and cynical but she’s learned what it takes to survive and how to keep those in her charge alive too. Innocence and naivety won’t cut it where she’s been.

  2. Julia

    Hi Chris. Your choices of what to exclude from the audio version are fascinating. You didn’t mention the crowd of Heims in the background and that in the last 2 panels they are ominously closer. I think they are significant, but maybe not. Have to wait and see.

  3. KnicholasG

    Those are just Heims milling around in the background?

    I think I would be very nervous, especially just leaving a spaceship there. And glad to see that Ruddock is marking his territory.

  4. Pete Rogan

    Those droopy clouds over the milling Heims remind me of those from an end-of-the-world movie, “The Quiet Earth,” and its final, telling scene. The most lonely-looking clouds there could be, over that silent inhuman crowd. I don’t know what mayhem will follow but I’m sure it’s going to be just as depressing.

      1. Pete Rogan

        No, it was the first New Zealand sf film, and quite successful for that back then. Fascinating tie-ins with a couple of similar works, focussing on the time on several stopped or smashed clocks: 6:12. And a disturbing unresolved mystery as to what, exactly, happened at 6:12.

  5. Night-Gaunt49

    Those clouds are decaying. You can find them on our Earth. They aren’t raining though. And those aliens are surrounded. Since the locals are native and our group isn’t. Don’t show fear unless you are suppsopposed to.

    I admit that I am not too old to be stoked by landing on an alien world.

    We need to keep out enthusiasm of our younger years along with flexible minds. We waste so much of here in the USA. Why Europeans seems smarter because they don’t kid around with education. They know full well that our minds are at their best as children which is why the average European knows at least 3 languages by the time they reach their equivalent of HS while we usually wait till HS to teach which is too late.

    The greatest danger is violating some local taboo and they have the death penalty or something worse like mind reordering or giving you memories of being in durance vile for 30 years before you leave again.

    1. Pete Rogan

      Or, as Douglas Adams speculated, they have strict controls on food due to overpopulation and if you leave heavier than when you arrived and weighed in, they will remove the excess surgically before they let you leave. A good reason, Adams wrote, for you to make sure that every time you use the toilet, you get a receipt.

    2. DSL

      I would have to think that having a completely different language spoken within, at mosts, a couple hours’ drive or train ride would also be an effective incentive to learning multiple languages in one’s young years.

  6. DSL

    I would have to think that having a completely different language spoken within, at mosts, a couple hours’ drive or train ride would also be an effective incentive to learning multiple languages in one’s young years — in fact, formal education wouldn’t even be a big component of it.

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